Future outlook

Future outlook

Looking forward to the future, Hebei Huadu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Current stage: continuous innovation and steady development

Current stage: continuous innovation and steady development

At present, Hebei Huadu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is in the stage of continuous innovation and steady development. The company continues to increase investment in research and development, continuously optimize production processes and product quality, and actively explore new business areas and market opportunities. While maintaining the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces, the company is also involved in health food research and development and sales, Chinese herbal medicine management and other fields, gradually forming a diversified business pattern.

Development stage: market expansion, brand building

Development stage: market expansion, brand building

With the continuous improvement of production capacity and the steady improvement of product quality, Hebei Huadu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. began to actively expand the market and gradually covered the product sales network to all parts of the country. The company has not only made remarkable achievements in the domestic market, but also actively carried out import and export trade to promote excellent traditional Chinese medicine products to the international market.

Growth stage: technological innovation, equipment upgrade

Growth stage: technological innovation, equipment upgrade

In the early days of its establishment, Hebei Huadu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. deeply realized the importance of technological innovation and equipment upgrading for enterprise development. To this end, the company has invested a lot of money to introduce advanced Chinese herbal medicine processing equipment, including washing machine, cutting machine, dryer, moistening machine, cooking pot, stir-frying machine, etc., and has set up a domestic advanced decoction pieces processing production line. The introduction of these devices not only greatly improves production efficiency, but also ensures the stability and consistency of product quality.

Start-up stage: rooted in tradition, foundation for the future

Start-up stage: rooted in tradition, foundation for the future

The predecessor of Hebei Huadu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. can be traced back to 1990. Although it was formally established and registered as a modern enterprise on December 10, 2013, the company has been adhering to the traditional Chinese medicine processing concept since its establishment and is committed to combining traditional Chinese medicine processing technology with modern technology. The company is located in Anguo City, Hebei Province, a well-known distribution center of traditional Chinese medicine, which is not only rich in medicinal resources, but also convenient in transportation, which has laid a solid foundation for the development of the company.