Explore what caused a large number of Chinese herbal medicines unqualified



Many Chinese medicine companies often encounter the same thorny problem.

Many Chinese medicine companies often encounter the same thorny problem, that is, after testing, some Chinese medicinal materials are qualified, and some Chinese medicinal materials are unqualified.

Sometimes it even happens that the same variety, the same batch number, and the same goods are sampled, and there will be very different pros and cons: the content of one sampling component exceeds the standard, and the content of one sampling component is far from enough.

So, what is the cause of this situation? Here, give you a few analysis:

The cause of 1.'s wild change of home species

Since my country is a country with a large population, the use of Chinese medicinal materials is already extremely large. In addition, catalyzed by reform and opening up in the past 30 years, the number of uses in export trade, chemical raw materials, and food health care has also been increasing, resulting in many authentic production areas. The narrow varieties of Chinese medicinal materials have appeared to be struggling with limited resources. As a result, the subject of changing wild species was put on the agenda and gradually implemented.

However, after all, the growth environment of wild natural exile is quite different from that of man-made family planting. Therefore, although some medicinal varieties are successful in family planting, there are still great differences in quality and traits.

For example, Zhonglou, a variety mainly produced in Yunnan, although the germ of the family species is taken from the differentiation of wild stem blocks, the finished product transplanted and planted is affected by many factors, and the component content of Zhonglou saponin is often unstable, even the component content of the original medicinal material of the variety does not meet the proportion of pharmacopoeia content standard, which is higher than the proportion of qualified component content.

The problem of non-standard processing of 2. Chinese herbal pieces

When it comes to the problem of improper processing and non-standard processing of traditional Chinese medicine into the workshop of decoction pieces enterprises, it is a complicated process.

Not to mention the general moxibustion, steaming, frying, forging, preparation and other processes, such as temperature, time, proportion of auxiliary materials, color control and so on, which are beyond the grasp of ordinary pharmacies in the processing of Chinese herbal pieces. It is an initial and simple infiltration process, which should not be underestimated: how much water does some medicinal materials use? How long is water? The temperature of water is different, the infiltration of opaque medicinal materials cannot be processed, and the excessive infiltration of medicinal materials will lead to the loss of drug efficacy......

For example, the medicinal material of Sarcandra glabra needs to be removed from light for sampling and testing. If you do not follow this requirement in the early treatment, the processed decoction pieces are not dried in the shade, but dried in the sun or on the kang, which is inevitable that the content of this variety is not up to standard.

3. acquisition, poor storage and safekeeping

Many traditional Chinese medicines are often sold in a hurry without drying after being harvested, or in order to save trouble, they are sold together with the full dry goods dried in the front and the damp-containing goods dried in the back.

However, many purchasing stations are in a hurry to press and fill the bags because they have orders waiting for shipment or storage, resulting in stuffy bags and burning of Chinese herbal medicines. As a result, when the pharmaceutical factory purchased and sampled, the content of the medicinal materials on the inner surface of the package was still sufficient due to rapid heat dissipation without damage, while the medicinal materials inside failed to effectively dissipate heat due to stuffy bag fever, resulting in serious "internal injury" of the medicinal materials becoming stubble and deterioration, and the unqualified content of the ingredients was difficult to recover.

For example, Hubei, Henan origin of medicinal materials such as Qianliguang, wormwood, duck plantaris and other medicinal materials, often appear this kind of situation. As for some Chinese medicinal materials with volatile ingredients and odors, such as Notopterygium notopterygium, mint, Aoki, etc., it is not uncommon to see the loss of content and volatilization caused by improper storage and poor storage by buyers or market operators in the producing areas.

4. growth period is too long or too short problem

In terms of growth period, for example, the white peony root in Bozhou, Anhui Province, and the gentian root in Yunnan Province, the general growth period is three to five years. Once these years have passed, the overall lignification will occur under the condition of thinning of the fleshy cortex, and the white peony root will also affect the content of paeoniflorin.

Of course, the above two varieties have been successfully planted for many years, and the harvesting and production have been relatively perfect, and their quality is rarely problematic. However, the situation of many similar wild medicinal materials, rattan and rhizome varieties, is different. For example, the harvesting situation of epimedium is similar as described above. Due to the lack of effective management and ideological guidance, the harvesting period and growth period have no concept in the eyes of many medicine farmers.

A medicinal material variety that would have needed to be harvested in winter to achieve sufficient composition and excellent quality, because it is unowned, ordinary people may pick it at first sight throughout the year. When the common people saw a medicinal material that had been harvested for three years, it was also harvested for two years when it was young, and for five years when it was old, it was packaged and sold to the purchasing department for three generations, regardless of size, advantages and disadvantages.

This is also why the quality of many wild Chinese medicinal materials can be better than that of domestic products, but in the actual operation process, it is a major reason why the quality of domestic medicinal materials can not catch up with the quality of domestic medicinal materials. As for the unstable and unqualified detection components caused by this phenomenon, it is even more common.