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Product Description
"Seaweed", this product is the dried algal body of Sargassum Sargassum pallidum(Turn.) C. Ag or Sheep Sargassum fusiforme (Harv.) Setch. The former is called "big leaf seaweed", the latter is called "small leaf seaweed"; it is an algae that grows in the sea and is a cryptophyte in the plant kingdom. Algae include several different types of organisms that produce energy by photosynthesis. They are generally considered to be simple plants, the main characteristics are: no vascular bundle tissue, no real root, stem, leaf differentiation phenomenon; no flowering, no fruit and seeds; reproductive organs without specialized protective tissue, often directly from a single cell spores or gametes; and no embryo formation.
A general term for marine algae (Algae), usually fixed to the sea floor or some solid structure, is a single plant or a long string of simple plants composed of basic cells. Aquatic plants that do not have stems or leaves when present in large numbers. There are many kinds of organisms in the name of seaweed. These physical differences are huge and span a variety of life forms. The common point is that they live in seawater and can synthesize organic matter through their own pigment bodies and photosynthesis.
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